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2021 Strategies for Change Deck.png


Below you'll find frequently asked questions that will help to provide you with a fuller training experience. 


Who will be in the training?

These trainings are open to anyone to register and you will find yourself in a community with individuals and groups from a variety of organizations, many from the arts and culture sector but some who are not. While you may be attending as part of an organization, our curriculum is scaffolded to support your participation as an individual participant.


Where will the training be held?

This training is virtual and held on Zoom. We recognize that working patterns have shifted over the last few years, and some participants are working remotely or managing a unique set of challenges and a variety of individual needs. Additionally, these conversations are personal and often require a significant amount of emotional reserves. In order to allow for the best experience, we ask that you join the session on an independent device, in a quiet, and well-lit environment free of distraction. We invite you to best prepare your space in advance to support your personal physical needs.


How do I log in to Zoom?

We will be using Zoom as a virtual meeting platform. We encourage you to (re)familiarize yourself with the platform and its setting options in advance including how to silence microphones on devices being used, how to rename yourself in the display window, and how to access breakout rooms. We highly encourage the use of a desktop computer rather than a mobile device whenever possible. We also recommend making any Zoom software updates in advance of the training.

What will I need for this training?

For optimal virtual participation, we encourage you to remain present both on audio and video feeds. However, we understand that you will need to engage in ways that you find most comfortable and that there are varying access needs that might prevent video and audio participation. We encourage you to share access needs with the facilitators prior to and/or during the training as you feel comfortable. Additionally, please silence any audio during the training in order to reduce background noise. We will send electronic versions of our Resource Packet and other pertinent documents. We strongly encourage you to print hard copies of our resource packet, although it is not required.


If you are unable to print, we suggest using a .PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat or

DocHub (the default .PDF editor attached to Google) to interact with the resource packet

(i.e. take notes, answer reflection prompts, etc). The .PDF resource packet will be



The materials contained in the resource packet are copyrighted and have been developed by artEquity staff and belong to the artEquity training program. Some materials have been adapted from other sources and are credited as such. We invite the sharing of concepts, ideas, and learnings from this training and also for you to respect the intellectual property of the artEquity training program. If you would like to use the materials, please refer to the "Use of artEquity Materials" at the back of the Resource packet. 


In summary, the following is a list of materials that will be needed to support the training process:


  • An independent device (we strongly recommend that you do not share devices when joining the session)

  • Zoom application downloaded to your device (if you do not have computer access, you will need access to a cell phone to dial-in)

    • We also recommend verifying that you have the most recent Zoom updates installed on your device

  • A strong Wi-fi connection

  • A Resource Packet (provided via .PDF by artEquity)

    • We recommend printing a hard copy or

    • Using a .PDF Reader such as Adobe Acrobat or DocHub

  • Anything you need to be comfortable (water, snacks, blanket, etc).


If I can't make my group training, how do I register for another time to attend?

As a registrant from an organization or group, we ask that you reach out to the person who arranged your registration to reschedule. The purchasing entity or person reserves the right to reschedule or reassign the registration per our exchange and refund policy. If you find that you need to reschedule at the last minute, we welcome a message sent to so we know that you will not be joining us and we can also support the exchange process with your group contact.


Have more group registration questions?

Please contact to make arrangements for groups of 5+ or questions about your group registration.

Can I get day-of tech support?

For day-of technical support, please email

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